Larry Feign: From The Depressed Comedian to As Happy As Larry

Larry Feign, guest in The Depressed Comedian episode of our Mental Ideas Podcast (clip of Larry and chatting to host Sadie Kaye @ The AIBs below) has a new book out! 🙌 You can read the first thoroughly deserved rave reviews of it below! Instead of being The Depressed Comedian, he is now officially Happy As Larry

Larry first came to fame in Hong Kong as the notorious cartoonist of the Lily Wong comic strip in the South China Morning Post. He was the first cartoonist to have a full page spread in Time Magazine and is the bestselling author of some 15 comic books and children’s book series The Fart Brothers (which he wrote under the pseudonym MD Whalen – presumably because he feared it was a stinker). The Flower Boat Girl is his first historical fiction novel and the culmination of over a decade’s work. We’ve read a deleted chapter of it – which sounds an odd place to start but the deleted chapter has been turned into a short story for an anthology members of our community are working on. The point is if that was the deleted chapter, the chapters he didn’t delete must be out of this world!!! 🤣

Book Links!

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