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Art To End The Silence On Sexual Violence – Charlotte Farhan

Sexual violence is not prejudice. It can happen to anyone, inflicting immediate and lasting damage on a person’s mental health. This collection is by no means complete, but it will eventually be an exhibition to be shown first in the UK and then globally.

This is for all of us – women, men and children from every ethnicity, social background, sexuality, religion and lifestyle: survivors. With this collection, my hope is to give those of us who have been abused and violated a voice so we can reclaim the power that was taken from us. There is still so much work to do, but together we can fight stigma and end sexual violence for good.



Charlotte Farhan is a Mental Ideas ambassador, artist, illustrator, activist and writer. She’s co-founder and editor of Art Saves Lives International and a subject of our RTHK doc As Bad As It Gets


Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: 10 Myths – World Health Organization

Art to End The Silence on Rape – Charlotte Farhan

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